The process of identifying and organizing the information of a person’s assets and obligations in such a way, so as to be able to make informed testamentary decisions in favor of your beneficiaries while also discharging your debts and obligations.
Durable Powers-of-Attorney, ​Beneficiary Designations, Last Wills and Testaments and Living Trusts.
Probate Administration
This refers to the type of legal proceeding used in court to identify a deceased person’s heirs or beneficiaries, as well as, which debts and obligations a person may have left behind at death.
Estate Management, Beneficiaries/Heirs Identification and Creditor Notification
Asset Protection
This refers to the planning process employed in order to design and adopt an optimal approach to provide a client the highest possible protection from potential creditor attacks. This objective likewise provides a client the necessary foundation that assists other team members and professionals to conduct a well-orchestrated management of assets through the use of Trusts, Wills, Powers-of Attorney and various other vehicles.
Enhancing Asset Integrity and Minimizing Creditors Attacks